I had a dad,
For this I am glad.
I didn't know him well,
so there's not much to tell.
His life was often rough,
because of this he was so gruff.
He had kids and a wife,
All he cared for in his life.
If there was a fight,
He could throw his might.
With a two by four and more -
I have seen him show that power.
He gave his kids a home,
so they wouldn't be alone.
In Him, He had love,
held tight like a glove.
He would drink a beer or a shot,
didn't think a lot was too hot!
Many friends he had,
though some thought Him bad.
He wore boots, and a hat,
When younger chaps shaped like a bat.
Around the race courses
He loved to watch the horses.
He was many things this man
but never completely tan!
He would never put his hat on the bed,
for it was always on His head.
But now he's gone home....
Never more to roam....
He is laying on the bed,
Yes, My Daddy's dead.
Tim M McCoy
son of
Tim McCoy
Jan 1986
Dear Son...
Yes, dear Son, your Daddy's dead.
Here now are some things he said:
"I love every daughter and son,
and the Grandkids, each special one.
Then there's the ones who joined our tribe
to live with our kids, side by side.
Always I wished only to do
what was best for all of you.
I was too dumb to think and plan,
Usually failed to be a man.
Too late now to show how I cared,
and enjoy the life we all shared.
Please tell all the kids, to try hard
to not allow their lives to be scarred
by the things I did or didn't do,
but live their lives to not have to
regret their acts, or their thought.
But look ahead to changes brought
about by the course in life taken,
by habits that need to be forsaken.
To show their love, declare their pride
and not those feelings try to hide.
For me the end of life is near
and death itself I do not fear.
If God be just, merciful, kind,
He knows what's in my heart and mind.
If there really be another life,
I hope to be with kids and wife.
Goodbye to all, remember me,
As the man I wanted to be."
Yes, dear Son, your Daddy's dead,
and of all the many thing he said,
None so important and so true
As the simple phrase, "I love you".
Iris McCoy
The Mom
Jan 1986