Monday, November 26, 2012

Home is my Heaven

"Home wasn't a set house, or a single town on a map. It was wherever the people who loved you were, whenever you were together. Not a place, but a moment, and then another, building on each other like bricks to create a solid shelter that you take with you for your entire life, wherever you may go."  Dessen

What is home?  Where is home?

My mom would answer something like this:
H is for heart
O is for Organized
M is mother
E is for eternal

My eldest brother Timmy would say; the place you call if you're in trouble, he would always tell mom "no news is good news"!

My sister would say;  Puerto Penasco, Mexico. Depending though on who was asking!!  Her permanent home address for her last 36 years was Mesa, Arizona!!!

My little brother Tom would say;  where ever momma is!

My dad even though he didnt live there 100% would also say - wherever the "chief" is!

My Jenni used to sing to us "There is beauty all around when there's love at HOME!"

 My parents moved me when I was young, so would I say the house we lived in the first four years of my life was home? I also had the same address for as long as I could remember when I got married, do I call that place Home?  I've had 18 addresses since then, which one do I call Home?  
 My children have lived many places and not for long, what would they say they call "Home"?  After the 14th move and lots for trauma, blessings, and searching for "Home", Richie and I prayed for a place to set down roots (now I've blogged about roots before),  but our prayers were finally answered and I believe - because of that I know what my kids would call Home.  But would they want to go there? Do I want to return to the address where I grew up? Do you?  It is what I always wanted for my kids; a place they would want to return to and call HOME.  Maybe I speak to soon, but for today and even after a not so awesome 2012, I am grateful to say that Home is where we are today.  Memories, good and bad, experiences shared, love, sadness, "feelings" - not things make us know and remember "HOME".

Then there is the song 
"I'll be Home for Christmas",
 the quote; 
"Home is where the heart is" 
and so on and so on.
Home is important 
President Thomas S. Monson said it like this

"A home is much more than a house built of lumber, brick, or stone. A home is made of love, sacrifice, and respect. We are responsible for the homes we build. We must build wisely, for eternity is not a short voyage. There will be calm and wind, sunlight and shadows, joy and sorrow. But if we really try, our home can be a bit of heaven here on earth. The thoughts we think, the deeds we do, the lives we live not only influence the success of our earthly journey, they also mark the way to our eternal goals."

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