And thus we see...
A Certain Woman
I was very inspired by the talk given this month from Sister Linda Burton here is the link https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2017/04/certain-women?lang=eng
“The New Testament includes accounts of [certain] women, named and unnamed, who exercised faith in Jesus Christ [and in His Atonement], learned and lived His teachings, and testified of His ministry, miracles, and majesty. These women became exemplary disciples and important witnesses in the work of salvation.”1
I very much loved her reference to "certain women" she defined - "certain women who bore positive, confident, firm, assured testimonies of the Savior. Though they, like us, were imperfect women, their witness is inspiring ." I want to be a mindful, certain woman!
"As a certain woman, she testified: “Not only are we here to save others but to save ourselves. And that salvation comes from partnering with Jesus Christ, from understanding His grace and His Atonement and His feelings of love for the women of the Church. That happens through things as simple as brushing someone’s hair; sending a note with an inspired, clear, revelatory message of hope and grace; or allowing women to serve us.9
"As a certain woman, she testified: “Not only are we here to save others but to save ourselves. And that salvation comes from partnering with Jesus Christ, from understanding His grace and His Atonement and His feelings of love for the women of the Church. That happens through things as simple as brushing someone’s hair; sending a note with an inspired, clear, revelatory message of hope and grace; or allowing women to serve us.9
...we have become distracted, doubtful, discouraged, sinful, sorrowful, or soul-stretched, may we accept the Lord’s invitation to drink of His living water, as did the certain woman at the well, inviting others to do the same as we bear our own certain witness: “Is not this the Christ?”
This is a wonderful reminder to me, I was deeply touched and inspired to be more mindful of others needs, to not be prideful of my own needs and to rekindle what is certainly most important in my day to day life. This mindfulness project might have turned on me in a way. For instance I was mindful that when we go out to eat I "think" which chair does he want to sit in and I mindfully leave it for him, I recognized that I am constantly thinking about ways to accomplish the goals he talks about after work, and I felt the pain when he adopted out his Winston because he is traveling so much, I was humbled that he was mindful of me, that I don't really want a dog, (video included because it humbled me to watch a man love both the dog and the wife so much) https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=dmwY15ATqsc and mindful of Winston that poor dog was so bored!!! What I learned is this; being mindful can be like a strength it can turn on you and become a weakness or it can ripple into a wave a gratitude and love. And thus we see ... the need of everyday everyday everyday positive affirmation, thoughtful communion and constant need to not procrastinate repenting.
I bought a couple of books (52 lists for Happiness) because I learned last month that I needed lists. We are striving to write in them but it may have been one more thing and have become a distraction to my reading and previously set goals. I, in the past was always frustrated with my husband accusing him of having tunnel vision. Thinking that I could and was the best multi-tasker! These days, in my humble learning, I am not that good at multi tasking realizing I need lists, direction and spiritual motivation to stay on the road that I have mapped out for myself in this the year of 2017!
This is a wonderful reminder to me, I was deeply touched and inspired to be more mindful of others needs, to not be prideful of my own needs and to rekindle what is certainly most important in my day to day life. This mindfulness project might have turned on me in a way. For instance I was mindful that when we go out to eat I "think" which chair does he want to sit in and I mindfully leave it for him, I recognized that I am constantly thinking about ways to accomplish the goals he talks about after work, and I felt the pain when he adopted out his Winston because he is traveling so much, I was humbled that he was mindful of me, that I don't really want a dog, (video included because it humbled me to watch a man love both the dog and the wife so much) https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=dmwY15ATqsc and mindful of Winston that poor dog was so bored!!! What I learned is this; being mindful can be like a strength it can turn on you and become a weakness or it can ripple into a wave a gratitude and love. And thus we see ... the need of everyday everyday everyday positive affirmation, thoughtful communion and constant need to not procrastinate repenting.
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