Friday, January 13, 2017

Today While the Sun Barely Shines

Without much life
life is without experience
Without much involvement
I'm left without much to comment on

Without any reading
I have no focus
without any prayer
I am left alone

Without civility
I am judgmental
without judgement
I am kinder

Without my phone
I have no communication
Without connectivity
there is no reason

Without reason
there is no motive
without motive
there is no ambition.

Without choice
there is no life
With Life there is
the simple prize of Hope.

When anyone attempts to bate us into arguments of anything all beit morals, politics... Well my dad would have told me "Shut up and get Rich." Rich in civility is my thought today for choosing to be kind, not judge and keep my mouth shut.

#MyHappinessProject  #Civility #choiceandaccountability

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