Wednesday, August 07, 2013

I "POaST" about my Life --- 1963 ...

1st grade
Tom, Sis and ME 1963
Mom was sick alot this year.  As she would be as long as I can remember from here on.  She worked many, many hours and we saw Dad on the weekends.  I wonder why we lived like this?

Grandma Gladys and Grandpa Lyman
I always was amazed at her hair!
It touched her butt and she braided it on her head in a circle!
Grandma Gladys came to visit.  I really love her.  She is a good good woman.  I am grateful I have a good grandma. Too bad, we don't live closer, she is my only grandparent that I would know.  I am always confused about Grandpa Lyman, seems the older people call him Uncle Albert, but to me he is "Grandpa" and I know him no other way.  He is my Step GrandFather.  He was also married to Grandmas Sister before she died - Mary Ellen Perkins Lyman Sept 28 1882 -May 13 1939

Judyann graduated from Mesa High School, she just didn't really care - mad at "parents" for moving her away from Montrose her Senior year!
She writes home often though and loves her roommates; Janet Crandall, Linda Bang, Genay, Eve Evans.  She is at BYU.  She lives in Heritage Halls.  Her Major is Business Teacher Education and Minor in Accounting. She loves to IceSkate. In one of her letters she asked Mom to send her "a cup", she's at BYU so she "can't say 'coffee cup'"!!!  She writes that "10 of the varsity football players got kicked off the team for getting drunk in Washington DC! Now they'll never win"!!!  School is hard and she really studies hard and works hard at it and "gets B's and C's very very frustrating" for her. I remember she used to say that she would study and work hard for her grades while Timmy didn't study or work hard and he would get A's it was very frustrating to her.   She plays Tennis!???

this is the year kennedy was shot  
I was riding the bus home from school today and I heard them talking on the radio, they were saying that someone shot the President.  It just got silent on my bus, like we just knew it was an awful thing that had happened and they just told us on the radio.

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