Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Reverence .... at ground zero

The Sunday in January that we took the subway to lower Manhattan...
Walking toward "Ground Zero" the new towers in view

Austin came to visit us from his work for the weekend. He had said that for my trip I could do "what ever I wanted to do" so I wanted to go to see the where the Twin Towers went down, now a place of remembrance I thought it a suitable appropriate thing to do on the Sabbath.  What I didn't know was just how appropriate I would feel it really was until after we had gone there.  It was hustle and bustle on the subway, then the subway stopped and we got out and walked up the stairs to light, Sunlight it seemed even brighter than before we had gone in.  We stood on the corner of - it seems like 6 different streets meeting in the middle. It seemed like it should have been also hustle and bussle - chaos and mayhem, but it wasn't.  We debated a direction and then made choice and started to walk.  As we walked we stopped talking really, and just looking - different "sight seeing" than we had been doing the last couple of days.  In the moment maybe not even realizing it, but later learning from each other that we all had felt it.  The change in Atmosphere.

A very real very humble honor
Austin and I reading names around the fountain square.

Richard hadn't wanted to go here.  He had other intentions for this day, so he was reluctant.  We smiled and spoke to all of the police officers gathering around the fences so early and then went thru the guards at the gates, the security checks just before the switchback lines started and then we were in.  As we stepped into this Memorial, the only word I could then and still today can use to describe it - REVERENCE. I felt Reverence. The dictionary says that reverence is a deep respect or regard.  My interpretation of reverence is that plus so much more, a time of silence, honor, tribute, in this case sadness and heart felt condolences and yet a wonderment at life and the symbolism of this place and how life goes on, after death.  So much death, it's not a wonder to me at all that I felt the atmosphere change, I can't think that with that much death those spirits aren't all over that place - I felt that!

Richard's heart was changed after going here,
he was very glad that we did!
The idea of the water in the footprint of the buildings is awesome and enlightening   The scriptures teach us that water is representative of the WORD and the Word represents Jesus Christ. It's the only way I know how to make the comparison and share how I felt there that day.

There is rebuilding going on, it is amazing to see the process.  To physically be able to see the adjustment and a way to go about rebuilding something that has been defiled, abused, .... death.
 Life does go on and we must rebuild after tragedy   We must see the foundation and it must be rebuilt.  Under the twin towers were 3 subways that were smashed, people had to find new roads, travel into new territory,  experiment with open minds into darkness, make new choices.  And as we all do this and rebuild on a stronger more sturdy foundation we will triumph, grow taller, be smarter and leave behind wisdom for the generations that follow. Just as they are reconstructing here.

It was very cool!  I am so grateful to go and see this place.  I remember "that day".  Watching on the television black ashes coming towards people on that street that I was now walking on toward ground zero.  It was a dark time for me, we had just moved -(twice, two different states in 4 months, My sister and brother had both just died).  I felt dark and without hope.  Seeing those people and those planes that day - it was so helpless, I remember only wanting to hear the voice of President Hinckley telling the world it would be ok.

Todays feeling is one of peace and commitment to raising tall, lifting up, being a better person and wanting that for my children and grand children, nieces and nephews.  Life is good.  Make something of yourself.  Have no regrets, don't be slothful,  Dig in those roots and stand tall.  Nourish your spirit with Good better BESTEST stuff you can!!! - Exert yourself!  "We ought to dig deep into the things of God, lay our foundation upon the rock, until we come to that water which shall be in us an everlasting fountain of eternal life." Lorenzo Snow

This is a picture of the only tree left standing, it makes me cry seeing it and all it's strength struggling to live to it's fullest produce leaves again, shed the remains of fire and blackness that were left on it.  We all NEED to be reminded that life is for living and be about good works and integrity.  Teaching  and being of service to help others put down stronger foundations and stronger roots themselves. and in turn that will make our foundations and roots stronger and deeper too!

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