Sunday, March 13, 2011

Fast oft and have Faith

FAITH.  What is faith?  
That is the question that I went out with the Sisters to discuss with new friends in the community.  The scriptures say that faith is the evidence of things hoped for that are not seen.  What are choices that we make - in faith of the result?!?!  I send Amric off to school each day in faith that he will go there, participate, do his homework and receive an education!  I fast oft, in hope of peace and a spiritual experience.  I do things, in Faith thinking that a blessing or just the mere fact that I am being obedient will get me a good result.  THUS, Faith is an ACTION word.    I can say that it was such a spiritual experience last night sharing my testimony with this family that we taught about Jesus Christ, that I'd like to document it here tonight. 
I totally believe in the Bible, I love the stories of the Old Testament.  In the scriptures of the old world God speaks to Adam, to Moses, to all the Prophets why wouldn't He speak to and continue to have a Prophet on the earth still today?  To me, it just makes sense. 
The Book of Mormon is a record of scripture of people that came from the Old World (the times of the Old Testament).  The tower of Babel was one time that people were separated and spilt off into different directions.  Another time was in the time period of Jeremiah and Ezekiel and Lehi was a Prophet, he was told  to take his family and leave.  They do so and come to the Americas where they meet people who have already been here too.  All this because of FAITH, this family had faith to go and do.
I guess in all of this my biggest action of faith is my hope in eternal marriage and family.  These days marriage is a joke, it is laughed at on TV and mocked in all ways.  People take the easy way out leaving is the easy way out and shows NO Faith in God, family, or each other. 
As we spoke with this family last night Ed said "Whats the point if this life is all there is?"  I say exactly.  James 1:6
But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.

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