These are the highlights that prompted remembrance of why I know that Prayer is One thing I believe in.
What to pray for?
- In Matthew Jesus tells us "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."
- Fathers and Mothers Pray for your children. I'm going to add Kids pray for your parents! No really I'm so serious. One of my favorite most innocently observed prayers was answered was a miracle was pure it was hearing our son and daughter prayer for their parents.
- Husbands pray for your wives.
- Wives pray for your husbands.
- Pray for Peace on earth.
- Pray for wisdom and understanding.
- Pray for Forgiveness.
- Ask for blessings.
- Ask For Righteous Ambitions.
- the question is what couldn't I pray about?!!!
How to Pray?
- Individually, pray is personal.
- Pray with your family.
- There is something in the very posture of kneeling that contradicts the attitudes described by Paul in 2 Timothy:1-4
- Pray with the expectation of answers. (which of course requires faith - Yikes!)
Why Pray?
- "Prayer unlocks the powers of heaven in our behalf."
- "Be prayerful and the God of Heaven will smile upon you and bless you, and give happiness in your hearts and a sense of peace in your lives.
- prayer is one of the basic medications that would check the character of our society.
- I know of nothing that will help ease the family tensions, bring respect for the parents lead to obedience, ... than will praying together...How tragic is the loss for any family that fails to take advantage of this precious and simple practice of praying together."
The constant thing that I kept remembering through out this discussion was hearing my mother pray. Knowing that it was an action she took often, more than often. Knowing me and who I am, I know that without her prayers - her Motherhood pulling out all the stops, calling upon angels, her unconditional love Prayers; I first of all would not have even been born and lived, but could never have dug myself out of all the holes I so very quickly dug myself into. Only that miracle and power of a mother on her knees, begging for her daughter could have got me here today. In this I do believe and am grateful today to have been reminded of that pattern she taught me thru her act of prayer.
Many instances did come to my mind and I was reminded in my heart that prayer is good, it works it can be powerful and when you see it happen - you've seen a miracle. Some things I have learned about prayer is that it is a discussion, a discussion takes more than one person. It's not one sided. Garth had it right his song "Unanswered Prayer" at times we get what we pray for and well we shouldn't have even ask for that. It reminds me of bugging my mom tell I got what I wanted, nothing good about that! Prayer is physical as well as spiritual. I'm all about no man being an island but having been on an island for awhile now, it's not all that peaceful! Prayer is mindful for sure and humbling. Both things are awkward in this world when it's moving so fast and we want to have it all and we think we can do it all Alone, for ourselves without submitting to anything or anyone. In those instances what joy, what fun is there in it, even in achieving, if you are alone.