Friday, February 14, 2014

Moms White Book of Remembrance Pictures

I am building a life history and searching and researching the stories, news, family history and pictures that are still around the house.  In the case of several black and white very cool photos I love the pictures but don't know who all of the people are, I am figuring out some of them thru and putting name to faces it is very excititing.  I don't want to loose out on these treasures hoping that someday somehow more names and faces can be put together.  So I am posting them here for others to look at and to be kept for the future.
Lillies Husband and son

Jess Durbin, Rosetta and dolores Mae

 Maude, Leona or lillie???

Paul Cunningham

Bennetts with Tim McCoy in Front

VL Cunningham? and Tim

Maude (McCoy) And Charley Reynolds

1 comment:

e.a.s. said...

Very cool! When we come out I am going to ask some family history questions, be prepared!