One day in January I married the man of my dreams. 32 years later he took me, after a wonderfully relaxing beautiful day of sight seeing in New York City to the top of the Empire State Building. To preface this experience...We'd gone the day before to the top of Rockefeller Center (in the day time), he had planned to go to the top of the ROCK in the night and the Empire State building in the Day. BUT, we were already at the Rock and we had 30 min til we had to be back down inside for a tour of the NBC Studios. I said, lets do it now. He was upset about that I did not understand or even take the time to understand why. It made since to me, we were already there. What I learned about myself on this trip to New York and the idea of marriage and working together as a couple is what I want to share. I mean really, we have 30 min and all we have to do is take the elevator up you look out, you come back down! My key word will be "considerate".
See how we are together? See how the City goes on forever behind us.
this is a view looking towards Central Park |
this is a view looking at the Empire State Building and the new Freedom Towers |
It was very kind of him to not really be judgmental of me and go with the flow. It wasn't as he had planned, when or how he wanted to do it. But he supported me.
What is the point of this post??? to remind me if no one else, to be considerate. To speak only kind words of the man of my dreams. To love him, like he loves me. (I'm thinking) .... to.... well...
the point is ... I don't know, I have so much swirling around in my head and heart.
I just wish if I could tell you anything. I'd say see all those lights down there. In life most of our problems are just that big, some bigger and brighter than the other, but still small and will pass you by...
When we raced across New York from the boat in a taxi to the Empie State Building...I again wanted to just get to the top, look around and take off. Richard wanted to read all the signs look at every poster, out every window, really? This time he kinda got mad at me and he left me there alone on top of the empire state bldg. The Empire State Building where romance is suppose to be made, but because I was cold, I came, I saw and I was ready to go, because - I remember it being lonesome I tell you this story. I will always remember, the feeling at the top looking out at the lights standing there all alone, I never felt so insignificant. So many people, so many lights, standing so high away looking over it all away from it all and yet right in the middle of it. I waited for him to come back, I texted Ayris that he'd left me to go off and do his own thing, I got scared, I cried, I'd like to think I was patient there in the moment and let him go and enjoy - but really I was done and ready to leave. While he just needed time to process soak it all in decide how to enjoy it, how to process all he was living thru, he himself wanting to remember it forever. I needed to give that to him, I needed to be considerate and wait. Uchtdorf said this just this last sunday “...If you experience such a moment, remember that in this age of information there are many who create doubt about anything and everything, at any time and every place, ... You will find even those who still claim they have evidence that the earth is flat, that the moon is a hologram, and that certain movie stars are really aliens from another planet.”
President Uchtdorf also reminded listeners that just because something is printed on paper, appears on the Internet, is frequently repeated, or has a powerful group of followers does not make it true. “Sometimes untrue claims or information are presented in such a way that appear quite credible,”
the link to this talk is listed below, a great talk!
....Wouldn't it have been nice if I could have just not let my idle, selfish, wondering mind run away with me (I won't share in a split second all the details of how really insignificant I was nor all the scenarios of where he had gone and was never coming back were) if I could just have had the spirit with me, not let satan in to distract me with lies and just let him enjoy it, not been in such a hurry not had the attitude of "been there done that" but instead take a breathe, slow down, and suck it up... to be continued!!!! ....
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