I'm laying here in bed
Wondering what's in my head
Wondering if its very dull
just laying inside of a skull
Forever being a brain
always staying out of the rain
calling this my home
surrounded by fragile bone
It's nice to have no fear
because I can't hear
Just to be
because I can't see
But I would like to feel the rain
to see a train
to hear a song
just to belong
I would like to be outside
not to have to hide
wanting to, but unable to run
but wait, here is help, here's a gun

there is something that I hear
almost silently there is a drone
yes, It's the air conditioner!
In the summer and the heat
the air conditioner is so cool
but now sitting on my seat
It's winter and I feel a fool!
It's very hard to sleep
It's very hard to sleep
When all you want to do is weep
To weep for my wife
the spice in my life
crying out for sun
when day is done
for the moon at night
when I'm filled with fright
dreaming of roaming the land
seeing what the wind brings
hearing how it sings
curled in a ball
asleep not at all
yes it's hard to sleep
when all you can do is weep :(
They say life is brief
All filled with grief
that is not my belief
To laugh cry or shout
To stand or jump about
To Give Grief The Rout
To let unhappiness fly
to see the blue of the sky
to let cheer and joy rise high
For love to receive
for lost time to grieve
in these I believe
They have stolen time
times that was mine
the cause was not right
not in my sight
Seven long years
years with many tears
tears shed alone
in prison my home
Rampant runs the hate
caring not for my fate
to steal their time -
is revenge a crime?

There is a softness as I listen
the ground seems to listen
as I look out the window at night
cowering behind the Glass with fright
the moon is dull and has a halo
Nothing is seen to make me mello
I can hear the wind blowing
With a sigh I realize it's only snowing!

I can be long or thin
folded or switched to win
I can be curved or straight
used with Love or Hate
I can take or give life
I am a knife
Tim McCoy 1985
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