Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Trust God before yourself before others

“Because true belonging only happens when we present our authentic, imperfect selves to the world, our sense of belonging can never be greater than our level of self-acceptance.” 
― Brené BrownDaring Greatly
If I don't like myself, I can't like others.  The scriptures say - "thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." and  "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding" 

What does it take to trust? If I can't trust myself, believe me I can't trust you or God.  Thus I am on a journey to learn to trust.  As I learn something or notice something about trust I'll be back.

Dictionary defines it as: belief that someone or something is reliable, good, honest, effective, etc.
When you agree with someone to do something together no matter what, as they say "Come Hell or high water"/ "Thru thick and thin" / "I Promise", and you don't do it then I assure you you are not going to trust them either.  For instance when I teach I don't like the room to be on their phones even if they say they are in their scriptures - I just know it's too easy to not be.  I think it's wrong and yet I catch myself doing it!!!! Partners in dieting, budgeting, exercising, waiting for the missionary, the child who promises whatever and then doesn't do it, the parent who says tomorrow, next week, etc. etc.!!!  Then too, if the person only looks out for herself, they aren't going to look out for Me or You!

Love All Trust a Few. Do wrong to know one.  -WS
31 jan 2014 A challenge given by Ballard in the talk "write Down a Date" ensign Nov 1984 and quoted from an experience recorded in the book Everyday Missionaries by Clayton Christensen -  " the date approaches, you become more and more desperate. And when you become desperate, the Lord can trust you.  He knows that you'll invite anybody He puts into your path.  I labeled this phenomenon "Spencer's Principle of Desperation."  

Let me know how it feels to let go and not worry because I do feel like I've been led down this road in peace and in hope

Trust. It takes years to build it. and a few seconds to destroy it!

To love is giving someone the power to destroy you but 

TRUSTING them not to.

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