Tuesday, September 13, 2011

what is permanent?

So we have invested all this money into a new computer set up and I seem to have lost 8000 pictures somewhere somehow.  This is why I get frustrated and stop blogging and doing anything on the computer.  DOn't you hate it when you type and type and type and then it's not saved or somehow it's lost in a file somewhere in the computer that only the tech knows how to find?  I do.  "They say" that it's "suppose to be permanent" anything you put out there is out there for the whole world to see anytime of day or night! Except for me and my pictures that for 2 years now I have been attempting to get scanned, downloaded and filed to keep in an organized fashion!!!  UGHHHHH!  It's why I like my paper journals and my actual scrapbooks that are tangible and I can see on the book shelf!!!

Yesterday I went to my little Apple class to learn, I've been doing that for awhile now, but I came away feeling very unlearned.  They said they saved my 8000 pictures.  I sat in front of the computer in fact watching to really see and prove to myself that these pictures are still in my computer somewhere and as I watched these thousands of pictures pass by me at a very rapid speed what I saw before my eyes was the inevitable "Judgement Day"!!!  All of "my world" of people sitting in front of a screen revealing my life to them just like that - BAM!  Will I be embarrassed? Heck ya! Will the Lord say "well done thou good and faithful servant, I'm thinking Heck no!  It made take a moment to pause and think I'm so grateful to still be alive on this earth with people that I love and to interact with them.  It reminded me that I've seen and done some things that I need to clean up.  BUT it also gave me pause for a wonderful wonderful life and things that I've done that have been fun, good and positive, people, places and things that will be permanent memories.

so I just wanted to somewhere thank God for my life. Say I'm sorry to people I've hurt and kick myself in the butt, strap on the ole boots and kick up some fun times create some more memories and not waste any more time singing the blues quoting anyone singing the blues or regretting the past.  I've done my time.  I do my best.  The past has, well... the past is.   I am me as she says; "I am who I am"!  Thanks to lessons learned, free agency and Jesus Christ some things are permanent, and somethings aren't. ... they might be hidden in the computer somewhere,  thank goodness for that some won't ever have to see them.

does that make sense to anyone but me!!! I'm glad I cleared that up for myself!!!!!!!! bahhhhhh!!!! night!

1 comment:

Angie Larkin said...

You are crackin' me up. I liked this post a lot.

Judgement day?! What a trip that must have been seeing it all fly by.

I'm feelin' ya. I really like the idea of looking to the future. I loved an article by Jeffry R. Holland called the Best is Yet to be. READ IT!!