Wednesday, January 16, 2013

suck it up...

So I've had some deep thoughts, well maybe not so deep but some troubling pensive kind of thoughts the last month....  lets see where I go with this....

So I've had a long conversation or two of late with the "girls" in my life from ages 2 to 32! (well she's not 32 but it sounded better than 31!)  In doing so I keep asking myself, How do I share with them the things I want most for them to learn?  How do I tell them how much I love them? How do I explain that life is hard - suck it up - and still let them know "you'll make it, it's going to be ok"?  

You'd think I would have learned by example ..My Mom didn't "talk" to me about life being hard. Except to say "Life is Hard, and then you die", My sister and my brothers taught me "life is a B* and then you marry one"!  So thats what I got!  I'd like to be a little more clear with my progeny. It's not to say that Mom and I didn't talk cuz we talked!  It seemed to me we talked about everything - except, I still don't know why she and Daddy lived apart since I was 4 or why she married him when she only wanted all of us to go to church.  I wish she'd told me these things even it embarrassed her, YET hold on maybe I don't.  (Side note; I had a leader once who was trying to "help" me "suck it up" or get me on the right road. To understand that life is hard in doing so she spilt her "story" to me - it didn't help me nor her I don't think, she fell back into the same cycle and today I only remember that awful thing that she did.  So my philosophy has evolved into one of not telling, or "confessing" attempting to be more like alma and describe the pain it may have caused and the redemption involved without the gory details.  The goal in writing and talking is helping others stay on the right road, or at least motivating you to suck it up and circle back and getting yourself on the right road. 

So I ask again - how does one help anyone else not have to travel toooooo far down the wrong road at all, much less before they can get back on the right road or never circle back around at all?  Comments welcome of course!  I put this question out there is the "FAmiLy LetTer" and that family letter "got lost" so I got no feed back from the "four corners of the earth"!

to be continued....

1 comment:

Write for the generations! said...

I really need to edit ... Tomorrow