Thursday, July 10, 2014

I "POaST" about my life -- 1968

In overlooking my 1968 Diary I seem to be a little, no ALOT - Boy CraZy!
 I really like this comment; "Urlene is still short, but a dang lot of fun!"  I report that I watch 4-H on TV every saturday morning.  That was me wanting to belong to the older kids and mom and what they did and talked about ALWAYS, from when they lived in Colorado!
  I document my bedtime almost every night - being somewhere between 9 - 11 PM!
  I also appear to be failing P.E.!!!

Jan 11 1968 Telegram started our year off with the message that Timmy "Warrant Officer Tim McCoy had been shot down as a result of hostile action and is wounded."

Daddy still lives and works at the Horse Riding Stable referred to as Double T Stables on 4701 E. McDowell Rd. in Phoenix

Judyann, Tom and Marsha are spending lots of time together.  They go to to Young alot.  I know Tom is getting into trouble, Judyann covers for him, I'm sure of it!  I am not included when Tom gets to go.  Different kind of trip!  Tom graduated from High School he is also 18 now!  He did not attend graduation, he left immediately for Colorado to wrangle cattle on the Mesa North of Montrose.
Tami, Myself and Tim when they visit Mesa
Linda, Mark (Stahls), Karen Rogers and Myself! Halloween
Mark and Linda lived in the Apts behind us.  They had a skunk named "Flower".  I thought that was absoulutly ridiculous. One time we started a fire in the play log cabin they had.  We used to like to ride bikes on our motocross hills and chase the lizards and horny toads.  Such entertainment!  We were a small little neighborhood group we did everything together.  Brandon came to stay at his grandmothers and Ricky was the son of the Owner of the park.  We all did lots of stuff together we really liked to be the "MONKEES" and sing and be groupies.  I can't imagine whose Idea that was!

I built a SNOWMAN! at Aunt Els
she has a cat named George super scary had his own chair and could pull the string in the bathroom on to use the toilet as a liter box! I HATE CATS!
Urlene and I got to go on Vacation with Mom it was a blast.  We went to see Aunt El and we went to Blanding.  I love Urlene.  We are more like sisters. I think mom was probablly sorry she said yes to us, because we never stopped talking or giggling and I know that she was about to go crazy. No movies to watch when you traveled back then!!! Believe it or not we actually saw the places where we drove. I still love going for rides. On our way back into the city on I17 mom got pulled over for ...."Drunk Driving"!    I'm sure she was tired, the only driver and us two giggly girls.  We just gave her the hardest time about that all the way home and for the rest of her life! 
This is on the Grand Mesa in Colorado Vaca with Mom

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